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School Day

Timings for all year groups are as follows:


 All School Gates Open


 All School Gates Close & Class Registration

 12:00 - 13:00



 End of School Day

Drop off and collection details:

Reception: Drop off and collect via the front reception playground accessed through the red gate.

Years 1 & 2: Drop off at the KS1 green gate. Collect from the KS1 playground accessed via the KS1 green gate.

Years 3 & 4: Drop off and collect at the yellow main school gate.

Years 5 & 6: Drop off and collect at the blue outer car park gate.


PE Days:

  Indoor Outdoor
Reception Wednesday NA 
Year 1 Friday Thursday
Year 2 Thursday

Monday (week A)

Wednesday (week B)
Year 3 Tuesday

Monday (week B)

Wednesday (week A)
Year 4 Wednesday Friday
Year 5 Monday Thursday
Year 6 Friday Tuesday