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Year 3

Year 3

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

New beginnings – including class charters

Keeping myself safe

Anti-bullying week

Children In Need


RRR – Day for Change

Circle time devoted to class issues

Internet safety week

Day for Change (Unicef)

Comic Relief

Feelings, loss, separation and relationships

Eating healthily, being active



Key concepts and skills

Health and well-being

- To recognise opportunities to make their own choices about food, what might influence their choices and the benefits of eating a balanced diet and leading an active life.

- To learn about change, including transitions (between Key Stages and schools), loss, separation, divorce and bereavement.

- To recognise their increasing independence brings increased responsibility to keep themselves and others safe.

- To be safe online, understanding the importance of protecting personal information, including passwords and addresses.


- To recognise and respond appropriately to a wider range of feelings in others.

- To develop strategies to resolve disputes and conflict through negotiation and appropriate compromise.

- To realise the nature and consequences of discrimination, teasing, bullying and aggressive behaviours.

Living in the wider world- Economic well-being and being a responsible citizen

- To understand that everyone has human rights, all peoples and all societies and that children have their own special rights set out in the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child.

- To understand that there are different kinds of responsibilities, rights and duties at home, at school, in the community and towards the environment.

- To recognise the role of voluntary, community and pressure groups, especially in relation to health and well-being.