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Year 6

Year 6

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

New beginnings – including class charters


Parliament, Voting and elections

Anti-bullying week

Children In Need

Personal finance and the monetary system

Internet safety week

Day for Change (Unicef)

Comic Relief

Sex Education

Transition to secondary school


Key concepts and skills

Health and well-being

-To understand how their body and emotions are changing as they move through puberty.

- To learn about human reproduction.

- To learn how to deal with the emotions associated with changes in their lives.

-To be safe online, understanding the importance of protecting personal information, including passwords, addresses and the distribution of images of themselves and others.


-To develop strategies to resolve disputes and conflict through negotiation and appropriate compromise and to give rich and constructive feedback and support to benefit others as well as themselves.

-To realise the nature and consequences of discrimination, teasing, bullying and aggressive behaviours.

Living in the wider world- Economic well-being and being a responsible citizen

-To learn about the role money plays in their own and others’ lives, including how to manage their money and about being a critical consumer.

-To recognise the role of voluntary, community and pressure groups, especially in relation to health and well-being.

-To understand why and how rules and laws that protect themselves and others are made and enforced, why different rules are needed in different situations and how to take part in making and changing rules.

-To recognise the role of voluntary, community and pressure groups, especially in relation to health and well-being.

-To understand that everyone has human rights and that children have their own special rights set out in the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child.